About Us
Our History
In 2009, Kassandra Banks had a vision to help consumers with mental health issues and mentalh health needs. She wanted to be able to provide a “safe haven” where consumers would feel secure while improving their mental health needs.
Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center, is incorporated as a partnership. The founder, Kassandra Banks is the driving force behind the organization and fills the Executive Director role. Ms. Banks is an exceptional leader with talent in management, strategic planning, and programming. Ms. Banks has exceptional experience in building relationships with other mental health professionals within the community. She has demonstrated ability to build new territories and expand opportunities within the consumer base. Ms. Banks possesses intelligent, articulation, and she is driven to succeed. Ms. Banks core competencies include; strategic planning, training, organization, program planning, client centered approach, forecasting, recruiting, and directing. Her experience includes the following: Executive Director, Clinical Director, Intake Supervisor, Case management, Rehabilitation Counselor and Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
The founder of Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center, Inc. has over twelve plus (12+) years of experience in social services. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Therapeutic Recreation in 2006. She received her Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling in 2009. Her compassion is helping other people receive optimal wellness and quality of life. While employed as an Executive Director, she grew the CEO’s business within a six (6) month period. She was able to implement strategic planning processes for agency to add a projection of the year to come. She also had the liberty of helping the owner extend his business to two (2) other counties with rapid growth. She increased employment for this business which increased employment in the state of Georgia. Ms. Banks founded Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center, Inc. in 2014. Ms. Banks was so successful with providing quality services to mental health consumers and having a niche at company development and growth, she decided to go into business herself.
Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center will allow outpatient services to be expanded within the communities of Jefferson, Blount and Shelby counties in the Birmingham, Alabama area. By providing mental health services to children and adults, we plan to make a profound and permanent impact.
Our Mission
Our mission at Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center is to help children and adults with the presence of a psychiatric diagnosis “Build responsible and effective relationships between families and communities one day at a time”. We also help relieve their unhappiness and suffering by providing educational, social, and emotional support through a variety of crisis prevention and intervention services through delivering quality outpatient services. Crisis Intervention and intervention services provide immediate emergency Interventions with the consumer; this service is designed to resolve the crisis and develop a symptomatic relief and increases knowledge of where to turn for help at a time of further difficulty, and facilitate return to pre-crisis routine functioning.
Our Philosophy
Our program is based on the belief that in order for families to become healthy and whole, they must be educated, gain access to needed resources, and social, spiritual and emotional supports that empower consumers to help to help themselves and strengthen families.
Our Values
Respect: Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center was founded to reach out and to serve all “at risk” children and adults with mental health needs.
Restoration: Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center is committed to helping consumers and their families in need to become complete and productive members of society by restoring their whole being.
Steadfastness: Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center acknowledges the existence of a Creator through whom the restoration and healing of a person’s life can be fully accomplished.
Character Values
Self Discipline: To be able to control tempers, passions, and impulses.
Compassion: To be supportive of others in times of struggle and stress.
Responsibility: To be reliable and accountable to follow through.
Courage: To be adaptable and willing to take on challenges.
Giving: To give more than one expects to receive.
Respectfulness: To treat all people with consideration and dignity.
Honesty: To be genuine, authentic, open, and candid.
Forgiveness: To recognize that human beings are imperfect and need grace and healing to
learn form mistakes in an effort to achieve a positive change.
Empowerment: To give people the opportunity to accomplish goals.
Servanthood: To seek opportunities to serve others.
Outpatient Program Description
Noah’s Ark Treatment Center is a State certified agency by the Alabama Department of Mental Health Services. Noah’s Ark provides mental health services within Jefferson, St. Clair, and Blount counties in Birmingham Alabama. Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center programs include the following; Adult Rehabilitative Day Program and General Outpatient Program. Within these program, Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center meets the requirements listed in section 580-2-9-.09 and 580-2-9-.15. NATC supports the delivery of quality services to individuals with Severe Emotional Disturbance (children and adolescents) and Serious Mental Illness ( adults). Within our programs, Noah’s Ark Treatment Center has given great consideration to our consumers quality of life and included the following criteria to it’s outpatient programs; Admission criteria, nature and scope of the programs, discharge and transfer criteria, services areas, and the number and credentials of staff assigned to a particular program. Noah’s Ark Child and Family Treatment Center has written policies and procedures that protect the consumers against discrimination in the provision of services regardless of the consumers age, race, creed, disability, national origin, language of preference, sex, social status, diagnostic category, or length of residence in a service area except specialized services that may have been developed for specific target populations.
2018 - 2019 Board of Directors
- Kassandra Watkins - CEO/Executive Director
- Matthew Banks - CFO/Treasurer
- Cassandra Banks - Fundraising/Advertising
- Tomille McGregory - Secretary
- Eddie Maynor - Director
- Aronia Allen - Director
- Theodis Rahmaan - Director
- Willie West - Director
- Kamal Banks - Director